Pragamatisme dalam Simbolik Interaksionis

Aspek Pragmatisme dalam aliran Simbolik Interaksionis:
A-Menurut pragmatis, tidak ada realitas sejati di dunia nyata “di luar”, melainkan, selama performa kita di dunia yang secara aktif dibuat dan dibentuk.
B-Orang mendasarkan pengetahuan mereka tentang dunia pada sesuatu yang terbukti bermanfaat bagi mereka.
C-Orang mendefinisikan objek / masalah sosial sejauh manfaat yang mereka rasakan.
D-Jika kita ingin tahu para aktor, kita perlu mendasarkan pemahaman kita pada apa yang mereka lakukan di dunia ini.

Nominalist pragmatism
William James is a prominent representative of this thought. Nominalist means that nothing exists in reality. What exists is “name” only; not real or actual. This view holds that “although macro-level phenomena exist, but it does not have an independent and decisive effect on an individual’s awareness and behavior. In a more positive expression, they accept, reject, modify or define individuals in terms of their personal interests and their spontaneous plans.

Philosophical realism:
Mead is the representative of this intellectual stream of thought.
Contrary to the above said view, social realist emphasize on how the society creates and monitors mental processes. From this viewpoint, actors, instead of implementing freedom//agents of freedom, their perception/cognition and behavior are subjected to a wider social control. (Ritzer, 1386: 269).