Browsing posts in: Fondasi Berpikir

Popper & Methodology in the Social Sciences

Popper and Methodology in the Social Sciences

In place of historicism and utopian holism, Popper argues that the social sciences should embrace both methodological individualism and situational analysis.

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Deduction-Induction Problems & Solution

Deduction-Induction Problems & Solution
1. Experience is not equivalent to induction
2. The empirical method does not conflict with the deductive method
3. Both induction and experience require a form of deduction
4. Both rational and empirical methods are both deductive. Rational methods rely solely on primary self-evident propositions, while empirical methods lead to empirical propositions whose value will not achieve primary self-evidence

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Claims of Western and Islamic Epistemology

Western Epistemology Claims
1. There is certain knowledge without being overtaken by the senses; res cogitan (Decartes), a priori and pure-minded reinen Vernunft (Immanuel Kant), innates ideas (Leibniz)
2. All knowledge originates in the senses (Empiricism), tabula rasa (John Lock)
3. All Knowledge comes from the five senses (Positivism)

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Principles of Realism in Social

Principles of Realism
1. The world exist independent of knowledge
2. Man’s knowledge of the world is theoretic
3. Truesness ad falseness are exclude from scientific knowledge
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Root of positivism and six principles

Root of positivism and six principles
One of the major schools in the philosophy of social science is positivism.  The root of positivism lies in the thoughts of Auguste Comte (Born January 19, 1798 – past 5 September 1857). August Comte believed that the scientific method was based on “observation”.  He believes that this method is prevalent in the natural sciences and can be used in the humanities too.

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Who is C. Wright Mills?

He was born in 1916 in Waco Texas United States. He did not live long as he died at the age of 48, that is 1962, from a heart attack . However, he had a productive scientific life, and his most important works are:

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Tell me, the concept of iron cage?

What is your view about the concept of Iron cage?

They do not consider modern world problems as being exclusively capitalist. Rather, they are common across the rational world, including socialist societies.

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How do you know about Marx?

How do you know about Marx?

1-What is the result or benefit of categorization of Marx’s periods of life?

We can know the map of his thought, from philosophy assumtion into sosiology and economy theoretical foundation.

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